All Kinds of Requests

Because we are a custom netting solution provider, we have received all kinds of requests to help solve people’s situations. Not always in the sporting world either, safety is a popular reason for people to call us as well. In NYC we had an Irish bar/restaurant call “The 5 Mile Stone” on the upper east side of Manhattan. It was early March that we got the call. They had a second floor balcony that over looked the avenue right above the sidewalk, a very nice spot. Their request was to provide safety netting along the front of the balcony extending out about 2’. The purpose was to catch anything that may get knocked off the railing and avoid landing on a pedestrian below. We came up with a solution to install custom brackets that would extend out and support the netting. The project became a rush when they said it had to be completed by the 17th…….St Patrick’s day, when things gets pretty wild in NYC. 

Another interesting request came from an architect doing a hotel/restaurant on 28st street in NYC. The restaurant was going to have a 22’ x 22’ skylight over the dining tables. They were moving along with the construction nicely when they realized something was happening above the restaurant roof. It seems that the surrounding taller building looked down at the lower restaurant roof, right where the skylight was to be installed. Unfortunately the folks living in the surrounding building were not of good character, and were in the habit of throwing things out their windows right down to the skylight. The situation was horrible and the owners were panicked because they could not stop the littering. They called us and we went to the site to have a look. We came up a solution that involved anchoring cables the building walls and some custom mounted brackets. We had to install the netting quickly and had to dodge debris being dropped at the same time, but it worked and the netting kept the skylight safe. You can see photos of these two projects on our website gallery or on Instagram @allsportnetting. 

Be creative we love a challenge!

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