Save The Fence

Many people contact me with the same problem year after year, and truth be told it was one of the main reasons I started All Sport Netting, 15 years ago. 

When you set up your backyard one the first considerations are how to create a safe and protected place for your kids to play. A common solution is to put up a fence, keeping strangers out and the kids and toys close by.

The next logical thing was to find ways to keep the kids active, busy and entertained while in their new place. When we created our play area the boys were just finding out about lacrosse a very popular sport at their school. So, naturally the next thing that we do is set up a goal for them to shoot at and practice their new love. In my case, I assembled the framing, tied the netting as directed and set it out in the play area as planned. 

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon and watching golf possibly catching a short ‘golf nap’ was in my future. That’s when my afternoon took an interesting turn. As I stretched out on the couch, that’s when it happened . . . I will never forget the sound; it was like someone shot a gun off in the yard. The sound repeated again and again! I ran out to the yard, and yelled “WHAT ARE YOU DOING”? Just practicing taking shots on the goal, pop. My son had taken his first shot on the new goal, and he put all he had into that shot, just like coach told him. The only problem, he missed and hit the newly installed cedar fence, again and again!

I looked over and saw two of the slats on the new fence broken off and before I could say another word, he shot again, and the ball broke a third slat. At that moment the idea for my company All Sport Netting came to me.

I have saved many fences since then!

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